Another word for you gave
Another word for you gave

another word for you gave

It really means a lot to me that you spent the time to write it for me. I know you are busy and that recommendations take a lot of time and thought. Although it is confidential and I cannot see it, I know that it will be very helpful with my application. #1 I want to extend my thanks and appreciation for your time and effort in writing letter of recommendation for me. Letter of Recommendation / Reference Related Thank You: Without being able to learn from you, I would have no way of knowing so many of the things you have taught me. I feel incredibly thankful that you have taken time out of your busy schedule to mentor me. #5 You have utterly impressed me with your career path and all that you have achieved. I want you to know that I admire who you are and know that my life has been enriched because of you. I am very lucky that I found such a person in you.

another word for you gave

#4 It takes a special kind of person to dedicate time and effort to helping someone else navigate their career. I am eternally grateful for your guidance.

another word for you gave

Thank you for taking the time to talk to me, and for turning me around onto the right path. #3 Until we had our discussion, I was headed down a path for my career that would have ended in sure failure. It is people like you that this world needs more of. Your mentorship has been a game-changer, and I appreciate everything you’ve taught me. #2 Thank you for all of your time, effort, patience, and guidance during these. Thank you truly for your commitment to mentorship.

#Another word for you gave update

I hope we can meet again next quarter so I can update you and get your further thoughts and guidance. The perspective and insights you shared were very helpful, and I am going to continue to think about what changes I might make in my career. It means a lot that someone as busy and accomplished as you would take time from schedule to invest in me. #1 Thank you for meeting me for lunch and offering your thoughts on my career path. Career Guidance/Mentorship Related Thank You: Jesus said when you ‘put God’s work first and do what He wants… the other things will be yours as well.’ (Matthew 6:33 CEV) When you become a conduit for God’s Kingdom, ‘you will be blessed in every way.Here is a list of 40 ways to say thank you for your time and effort to show your appreciation for their hard work. (2) you will have a harvest when you need it. (1) His work and His will can be done on the earth, and The Bible says, ‘Honour the Lord by giving Him your money and the first part of all your crops.’ (Proverbs 3:9 CEV) Is that because He is poor and He needs it? No! He wants us to sow into His Kingdom so that: That’s like a farmer refusing to plant his next harvest because he is afraid to let go of his seeds. But that kind of thinking doesn’t make sense. The truth is, we’re concerned that if we don’t look out for our own interests, they might not get looked out for at all. God can bless you with everything you need, and you will always have more than enough to do all kinds of good things for others… You will be blessed in every way, and you will be able to keep on being generous.’ (2 Corinthians 9:7–8, 11 CEV) Some people refuse to give because they’re greedy, but in most instances, that’s not so. Their customers would be in the dark, and the company would be out of business in short order! The same principle applies to our finances. Think how ridiculous it would be for an electric company to generate power and then hoard it.

another word for you gave

‘You will be blessed in every way.’ 2 Corinthians 9:11 CEV

Another word for you gave